Critical Change activities are starting again this semester.
To follow on from last semester we’re using a similar format of readings interspersed with presentations from members of the group. The schedule for Wednesday afternoon meetings is as follows, and all meetings take place in Critical Change Office, 5th Floor, Evolution House, ECA. Ideas for books to read and presentations of work-in-progress are always welcome.
Please note slight differences in times and frequency:
13/02/2019, 2.30-3.30pm Presentation: Magdalena Cattan-Lavin on ‘Unfolding Narratives: Craft and Design in the Chilean Context’
27/02/2019, 1-2pm Book Reading: Arturo Escobar’s Designs for the Pluriverse (to finish)
13/03/2019, 2-3pm Presentation: Jamie Cross
27/03/2019, 2-3pm Book Reading: Ernst Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful
24/04/2019, 2-3pm Presentation: Pushpi Bagchi
08/05/2019, 2-3pm Book Reading: Text TBC
22/05/2019, 2-3pm Presentation: Rachel Harkness
05/06/2019, 11-12noon Book Reading: Text TBC